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  • Writer's pictureMonique Williams

Navigating The Journey

I smile through my pain... I am navigating this season the best way I can! My story has many unexplained hurtful ongoing scripts. I am at a place in my journey where I have to pause and breathe... to allow myself to feel the surging emotions; to give myself grace and be patient with my own process. I am allowing myself to feel these emotions from the traumas I once shielded.

As my therapist Treasa tells me, ”You have to process some of the pain. These are just waves and varying levels. You just need to figure out how to get back on the top of this particular wave versus being tumbled around in the undercurrent." Feel the feelings. All feelings need to be acknowledged."

Smiling doesn't mean it is the absence of problems, sometimes it's just a way for me to mask deep hidden pain laying dormant. I understand that with experiences comes growth and pain comes with the appreciation of love.

Navigating The Journey...

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