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  • Writer's pictureMonique Williams

Turning Pages 2023

Turning Pages in 2023

2022 scripted some lessons that taught me some valuable lessons; Healing, Faith, and Peace. In these intertwined pages were the stories of my children’s very own story. My journey opened a door for a legacy for them to continue. I whisper each day to remind them who they are and what they can accomplish. I remind them each day that my inability to speak does not define my ability to be their mother.

Their little hands hold mines; their smiles color my world and paint lasting memories and their love keeps my heart open. Their story has flipped pages of a constant momentum of joy and laughter. Their Faith has taught me to believe in the impossible. Their acceptance of who I am helps me to Heal and the knowing of their love brings me Peace.

2023 will have a new story written and my journey; and their story combines the chapter of life. God knew why he plotted these two little characters in my story.

Cheers to a New Year, and New Chapters. We look forward to creating more New memories. Happy New Year from my family to yours.


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