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  • Writer's pictureMonique Williams


2020: Broke me… 2021: Rebuilt me… 2022: I Found me…

Life didn’t come with a manual to prepare me for 2020 when I lost full capacity and the use of my voice. I’ve realized that life’s manual came with a study guide; when I was diagnosed with Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis and Dysphonia this guide prepared me for the journey ahead…

This study guide in 2021 came with lessons that Rebuilt me when I went into respiratory distress and my paralyzed vocal cords became restricted; intubated on a life support system for three days while hospitalized for five days. When I opened my eyes on Mother's Day; the world through my eyes looked differently. A world where life became meaningful with purpose. While I had to learn how to walk and practice the art of swallowing all over again this was one of the most pivotal moments of my life! Slowly over time I adjusted and grew…

These lessons navigated and fueled my new beginnings and I found “ME” in 2022. I found my place in this blueprint of Life. And As I continue to grow; my journey and new chapters await…each chapter ends but opens with new beginnings. The Journey Continues!


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