This day brings back memories of a night God opened a new chapter in my life. Little did I know he would allow many chapters to be created for a story He drafted. For A book cannot be judged by the cover; until the full story is read.
Around 11pm last year May 7th 2021. I struggled to breathe…my last memory of that night was holding unto a nurse as I gasped for air and as I was drastically losing oxygen my head felt like it was about to explode! I lost consciousness and went into respiratory distress… but God said it wasn’t time yet. His story has to be completed. I opened my eyes on Mother’s Day in ICU! The gift of life; the best gift I will ever receive. A gift I forever cherish.
I opened my eyes; intubated on life support, though it took me some time to relearn how to swallow, eat and walk again; He held my hands every step of the way and continues to hold them on this new fond journey.
Each day as I open my eyes; I see life differently. Because when I saw everything through the eyes of God. My whole perception shifted…I smile because my ability to conquer my challenges are limitless. My potential to succeed is infinite.