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  • Writer's pictureMonique Williams

It Takes A Village

It truly takes a Village…I have embraced learning ASL (American Sign Language) along with utilizing adaptive technology. This has given me the opportunity to communicate. Along this new path; God has placed me with a Village that holds my hand.

This has taught me that losses are lessons and often times a gift. This got me on a path that I was meant to travel on…

Three years later…with Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis; here I am performing for the first time an ASL (American Sign Language) interpretation surrounded by a whole Village. A Village who have not only embraced me, but challenged me to be the best I can be!

I have always remembered the words of Janick, (my former mentor and counselor) “this is your new normal.” The countless therapy sessions in holding my hand as she helped navigate me into understanding the dynamics of signing. She taught me to weather this new normal.

At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we built! Not what we got but what we shared; not competence but out of character. Not out of our success but our significance. As Treasa my therapist tells me; “Feel the waves!”

Some journeys are solo but this journey; this path; requires a whole Village! I am grateful. Peace, Love and Light 🙏🏽💛✨


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