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  • Writer's pictureMonique Williams

Healing is a Journey, Not a Destination

The chapter on survival led me to an innate discovery of myself. The fire inside my soul burned brighter than the fire around me! Through unimaginable pain, many losses and faced insurmountable disappointments my strength did not come from winning. My struggles developed my strengths. Healing is a journey not a destination. In partnership with Gilda's Club South Florida; Sister Circle was birthed! Birthed on a Journey and a new Chapter added to my story. It was an honoring experience to meet other cancer survivors. One thing I learned and discovered; as survivors, we all found our refuge that kept us going. We had to take grip of reality. We understood that surviving cancer is not our whole story; it's just a chapter. We share our story so others may know Hope. We are not only cancer survivors; I say we are cancer warriors who didn't give up and who didn't back down. We picked up our swords and fought- Sister Circle


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