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  • Writer's pictureMonique Williams

Grateful For 2023

Our smiles or fun moments are not the absence of chaos on our journey. We choose intentionally to live and cease every moment, laugh every day, and love beyond words. Our happiness is enjoying the little things in life!

2023 came with lots of life changes for us however being in a gratitude mindset unlocked our fullness of life. It taught me as a mother that guiding them on their journey is preparing them for their journey. I am grateful that the story of 2023 made complete sense. Because Gratitude turned what was not enough into more! It turned my denial into acceptance, chaos into order, and confusion into clarity. My past became my peace for today and created a vision for new stories of 2024.

In closing this story of 2023, Isaiah 41:10, "Fear not! For I am with you. Be not dismayed for I AM your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand... these words kept our family grounded and centered.

2023: Thank you for all the lessons. 2024: I AM ready!

Thank you to all my family and friends for holding our hands on our journey. We didn't travel this route alone. I am grateful for your support, prayers, and words that helped us every step of the way!

Love Monique, Nathaniel, Leia.


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