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  • Writer's pictureMonique Williams

Connect with Support

Gilda’s Club South Florida; this cancer support community has been an amazing support group for the children and I. Nathaniel and Leia though very young are slowly adjusting to our new way of life. They are understanding that our way of life may look different and my absent voice doesn’t change my heart, my care, and my love. We just do things differently; sign language, modified activities, and the use of speaking devices.

They understand that a disability is not an inability. It’s just that some people are differently-abled. That everyone is different and will be valued and equally respected.

We see the brighter side of our new normal. When life threw lemons at us we made lemonade. Though mixed with challenges along the way; God has placed an amazing circle of angels around us to help us navigate this journey. He knows that this chapter requires a village of support.

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